It’s the time of the year when everyone gets sick. To protect ourselves and families, first look at nutrition lifestyle and then consider supplements.

It’s the time of the year when everyone gets sick. To protect ourselves and families, first look at nutrition lifestyle and then consider supplements.

Eating Habits: Nutrition is critical during the winter season. We can obtain many of the anti-oxidants we need by eating better:

Vitamin C: All foods that are orange in color have ample amounts daily; other good sources are kiwis, leafy greens, strawberries, broccoli and colored peppers.

Zinc: Can be found in seafood, pumpkin seeds, sea vegetables, beans, lentils, and legumes.

Vitamin D: Can be found in salmon, eggs, cheese, and mushrooms.

Vitamin A: Can be found in liver, cod liver oil, mackerel, salmon, sweet potatoes, winter squash, kale, collards, and carrots.

Eat lots of fresh garlic: Crush and wait 60 seconds to enhance “Allicin”, the garlic plant’s powerful antioxidant.

Reduce sugar and alcohol since they worsen inflammation!

Optimize clean proteins and try to get Omega 3 with fish, seaweed, edamame/tofu, chia/flax seeds and walnuts. Consider having soups made out of bone broth which can be store bought or homemade.


Sleep is critical. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours, and if sick, you may need more. Children should get 9-12 hours every night.

Hydration: I recommend 0.5oz per pound of weight. Add lemon as a natural detoxifer.

Movement: Getting outside in nature for 20-30 minutes daily can boost your immune system. 

Manage your stress with meditation, quiet breathing.

Vitamins: Supplements that offer anti-viral support, immune boosting are:

Vitamin D: 4000-5000u daily for adults (especially those in the northern climates. For children over 50lbs aim for 2000u daily and 1000u daily for children between 25-50lbs. If you are getting sick, DOUBLE the dose of vitamin D for 3 DAYS ONLY and then return to normal dose.

Zinc: 10-20mg daily for children and 20-30mg daily for adults; can take this daily in winter or while sick

Vitamin C: 500mg daily for children and 1000mg daily for adults. You can take it daily in the winter or while sick.

Vitamin A: I recommend taking for ONE MONTH ONLY at high doses (10,000u daily) for children and adults to prevent colds in the winter.

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